
Its here. After a bit of a delay, its here and its on the new site. Enjoy.trape


Email – there is none

iTunes – there is none

Format fail?

The classic basement scene

Zio is thrust upon you!

could the UI contain anymore fail?

Chaz is a whiney bitch


omg… again with the ears… what is with the ears in anime?

Side jobs and story

Tentacle Rape!

Zio Zomg

We have landed on… Planet Namek?

updates on iTunes and new site

  1. Add “disqus” to your website, I beg of you!

  2. Add “disqus” to your website, I beg of you!

  3. testing

  4. Testing

  5. nou

  6. I approve, thanks for adding disqus!

    As for the podcast: Good job guys! This was probably your best episode so far, really enjoyed it! I'm looking forward to the next one. As for the anime pointy ears thing; I think you answered your own question during the podcast… It simply makes the characters look cuter, and Japan is all about the cute.

  7. I watch a fair bit of anime (maybe a series every other month) and I have yet to understand the tentacle stuff and the ears.

    Anyway, good job guys. Personally I prefer the cluster talking instead of the step-by-step. Congrats on the new site and I'll continue to watch. (or listen, fuck it I don't know.)

  8. I'm excited. I may get fired today for laughing my ass off.

    Also, if nobody has thrown the suggestions out there, I think you should take a stab at Phantasy Star II. That might need three episodes though because of the insane length of the game.

  9. Great job guys!

  10. Good episode, guys. Definitely did not disappoint. I'm kind of sad you guys ran through Aiedo and didn't mention the strippers ( I refuse to believe that the Hunter's Guild, a place that hires you to fight crazy worms, rescue dogs from pissed of slime monsters, and fight super robots employs cancan dancers ) that you can see in the Hunter's Guild.

  11. Good episode, guys. Definitely did not disappoint. I'm kind of sad you guys ran through Aiedo and didn't mention the strippers ( I refuse to believe that the Hunter's Guild, a place that hires you to fight crazy worms, rescue dogs from pissed of slime monsters, and fight super robots employs cancan dancers ) that you can see in the Hunter's Guild.